Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
Third Year B.Sc. Degree Examination- Aug 2010
Time : Three Hours Max.Marks: 75
Mental Health Nursing
(RS - 2)
QP Code - 1770
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay (Answer any two) 2 x 10 = 20
1. Define ECT. Explain the role of nurse before during and after ECT
2. Define Bipolar disorder. Explain the nursing management of patient with mania.
3. Define crisis. Explain the role of nurse in crisis intervention.
Short Essay (Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35
- Concept of normal and abnormal behaviour
- Techniques of therapeutic communication
- Types of schzophrenia
- Admission procedure
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Organic brain disorder
- Antidepressants
- Extra pyramidal symptoms
- Phobia
Shortr Answers: 10 x = 20
- Transvestism
- Delusion
- Anorexia nervosa
- Circumstantiality
- Token economy
- Ecopraxia
- Nihilistic delusion
- Substance abuse
- Hypnosis
- Half way homes